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TrueSmiles Dental

At TrueSmiles Dental, we are proud to introduce our brand new office offering the state-of-the-art equipment and technology! Our beautiful office is run by dedicated, caring, and compassionate professionals. Our goal is to work with you to achieve the best oral health, the most beautiful smile, and to make your visits pleasant and comfortable.

TrueSmiles Dental has invested in digital x-ray radiography, a newer, faster, and most importantly safer method of imaging. Using up to 80 percent less radiation than traditional film-based x-rays, digital x-rays are particularly beneficial for pregnant women, patients already suffering from an existing illness, and the long term health of all patients. The images are available immediately leaving wait-time a thing of the past. These objectively superior quality images can be easily adjusted, rotated and magnified. Such capabilities translate to an earlier and more accurate detection of any potential dental problems, and a happier you out the door.

We understand how nervous some patients feel about the dentist, but we know that providing a relaxing atmosphere can make all the difference. All treatment rooms are equipped with satellite TVs and music to make your dental appointment as comfortable as possible.

Dr. Nour Masud and her staff are extremely conscious of the specific needs of all patients. Our goal is to provide individualized attention to detail that will leave you with a healthy, and bright smile.

We appreciate the opportunity to introduce our practice, and we look forward to providing you with exceptional and comprehensive dental service in a friendly and caring environment.

Testimonials Form

If you have recently tried our services, kindly give us your feedback by filling out this form. We look forward to hearing from you.

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Cosmetic Dentistry helps, Emergency Dental Care, Root Canal, NY, Crowns, Appointments, TrueSmiles Dental NY, Refer A Friend